Her boss, Roshelle Hall, is the Recruitment Coordinator. She delegates tasks as well as oversees all the employees. Rachelle is out on maternity leave right now. An associate of Kelly's, Honore Depew, is the Education and Outreach Specialist. He is in charge of things like in-class training, and he oversees a group of classified recyclers who collect the recycling from all the residence halls, as well as some student buildings. I asked Kelly why she was interested in sustainability and recycling as a career, and she responded that she liked that it was a budding field, with opportunities for new jobs. She expressed that it was an outlet for being an agent of change, which she was most interested in being. However, she also expressed that progress is slow, because it is difficult to get every single person to change behavior they are so used to doing.
She told me about a few different programs that PSU Recycles is involved with, such as Chuck It For Charity, and Recyclemania, which are used to kick start recycling at the beginning and end of every year. She told me that PSU Recycles used to be a student club, until it was adopted into Facilities and Planning quite some time ago.

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