Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It is not that this place is particular 'interesting', it is that it's necessary for students. I always find it a bit intrusive when I call to make an appointment, and there is a voice at the other end of the phone that asks me questions and information that I know if extremely private, but the fact that sometimes I feel the person asking is a teenager adds a whole new level of anxiety to my "SHAC experience".
So I went in there to try to find out more about it, I spoke to Katy, who was one of the receptionists ( they usually have between 3 and 4 on a daily basis).
Katy told me that she had been working there for about 2 years and that that was the clinics location for the past 4 or 5 years. Katy said that it had been previously located "at a basement somewhere".
The Center for Student Health and Counseling houses provides de following services to PSU students:
Student Health Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
Testing Services
Dental Service
Health Promotion and Education

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